• STEP 2: Glue-In vs. Qwik Fit

    Glue In or Qwik Fit? That is the Question.

    When it comes to tractor cab kits, you have options.


    Deciding which style of cab kit you want will depend primarily on two things: your budget and your ability.


    This guide highlights the different options. Make sure and watch the videos below for additional information.

    The Basics: Glue-In vs. Qwik Fit Post Kits

    Comparing Multiple Styles From Several Diffent Companies

    Qwik Fit: So Easy a Child Can Do It

    Another Option: Create Your Own Cab Kit - Buy Material In Bulk and Cut Just What You Need

    Go With The Best Option for Your Budget and Comfort Level

    Both styles of parts use the same high quality materials. The only difference is the Qwik Fit kits are plastic backed and pre-formed to fit and snap right into place.


    If you have any further questions about our Glue-In or Qwik Fit kits make sure and contact us for more information.


    Once you have ordered your kit, it is time to make sure you have all the right tools.